Kate (she/her) grew up in Winnipeg, located within Treaty 1 Territory, on the lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. While growing up, Kate was privileged to canoe the lakes and rivers from Saskatchewan to Ontario but was always fascinated by ocean life. It was no surprise to her family when she moved to the coast.
She started volunteering with CPAWS-BC in 2013 by organizing outdoor hikes in BC Parks. Kate started working with the BC chapter in 2014 as the Community Engagement Coordinator, managing youth leadership and province-wide volunteer programs. She stepped away to complete her MSc from the University of Manitoba, where she studied belugas health. She is interested in the intersection of science and policy, and her research involved working alongside Federal and Inuvialuit co-management agencies, studying the use of indicators to monitor an Arctic marine protected area. She re-joined in 2019 and is excited to work with the CPAWS-BC marine team. In her free time, you will find Kate up a mountain in any season, out on the ocean, or skateboarding around Vancouver.