AGM 2023

Annual General Meeting
Photo: Markus Thompson | Thalassia Environmental
CPAWS-BC invites you to our 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Over the past year, Canada’s been at centre stage in the global conversation about the role of conservation in reconciliation and decolonization, protecting lands and waters, and preserving and rebuilding biodiversity. CPAWS-BC members like you played a key role in the progress made right here in British Columbia to safeguard the wild places that we all love.
Join us at the 2023 AGM for a look back at everything we accomplished last year with your support, and a glimpse at what’s ahead for Nature.
This year’s AGM will be once again held virtually using Zoom. Below, you’ll find all of the resources you need including last year’s minutes and a proxy form for CPAWS-BC members who are unable to attend the AGM on September 27.
AGM Details
Date: Wednesday, September 27 2023
Time: 5:30PM PT. Please arrive early. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate late arrival.
Where: Zoom (virtual online, requires pre-registration)
Accessibility: This event is held over Zoom virtual conference. You can connect by phone or online audio and/or video. There will be a visual slideshow to accompany program updates.
Please join us at 5:25PM for a quick Zoom tutorial, including how we’ll motion, second, and vote during the AGM.
Meeting Highlights
- Receive the 2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements
- Appoint the Auditors
- Hear the Executive Director and President’s Report
- Elect the list of Directors
Please refer to our AGM Agenda for full meeting details.
Adjournment at 6:15PM (approximately).
You can find our current Bylaws here.
How to join: To minimize technical and security challenges during the meeting, and to ensure that you are able to participate fully, all attendees must RSVP by September 25, 2023. Login and password information will be sent before the meeting only to those who registered in advance. There will be no on-the-day registration.
Questions? Please contact our team: or call 604.685.7445 x33
AGM Resources
Click the titles below to begin download.