CPAWS-BC Statement on the Signing of an Agreement in Principle Between the Governments of Canada, BC and the Pacheedaht and Dididaht First Nations and the Transfer of Lands from Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

CPAWS-BC Statement on the Signing of an Agreement in Principle Between the Governments of Canada, BC and the Pacheedaht and Dididaht First Nations and the Transfer of Lands from Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

June 28, 2019

Vancouver, BC — The signing of an Agreement in Principle today between the Governments of Canada, British Columbia and the Pacheedaht and Dididaht First Nations is an important step towards providing certainty for the future of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Under the terms of the Agreements, approximately 10 sq km of culturally important land in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve will be transferred from Parks Canada to the Pacheedaht and Dididaht First Nations. We are pleased that Parks Canada and the Nations have agreed to continue to work together to manage these lands and water, and those surrounding the national park reserve, in ways that will conserve the natural values of the Pacific Rim ecosystem for generations to come.

National Park Reserves are created under the Canada National Parks Act in areas where Indigenous people have unsettled land claims or Treaties. They are specifically intended to enable the establishment of the parks, while providing certainty to Indigenous Nations who have rights and interests in the area that their Land and Treaty negotiations will not be compromised. 

CPAWS-BC congratulates all parties on the successful conclusion of the Agreement in Principle negotiations, and welcomes this important step forward on conservation and reconciliation.


Media Inquires:

Bruce Passmore

Executive Director, CPAWS-BC

604-685-7445 x23

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Photo from