Talking to Candidates about Conservation

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What should you ask Candidates ahead of the BC Election?

Sept. 12, 2024 – A question guide to the 2024 BC Provincial Election

BC’s Provincial election is this fall, and candidates who want your vote may come door knocking or host events where you have an opportunity to chat about what matters to you. Below are some questions to start a conversation about their position on nature conservation and safeguarding our futures:

2024 Townhall - Candidate Questions PDF(1)

The science-backed target of protecting 30% of lands and waters by 2030 provides a pathway to tackle the biodiversity crisis and ensure a healthy future for people and nature… What immediate actions will you take to protect more land in BC and advance 30×30?

2024 Townhall - Candidate Questions PDF(2)

BC currently has over 1700 species at risk but no Provincial law to protect them or their habitat. The majority of BC residents (88%) support protecting habitat for species at risk… What will you and your government do to protect species at risk and their habitat?

2024 Townhall - Candidate Questions PDF(3)

8 in 10 BC residents are concerned about biodiversity loss, pollution, and overfishing on BC’s coasts. These threats loom as BC’s Coastal Marine Strategy awaits implementation and resourcing… How will you ensure a healthy coast for both marine life and people? 

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We want to hear from you! Tell us how the conversation goes and if you or the candidates would like further information:

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Our Nature & Climate debates bring candidates in your riding together to discuss conservation, climate policy, and environmental issues. Hear what they have to say, ask candidates questions directly, and make your community’s concerns heard this election.