Nature’s Bubble Photo Contest

It’s been quite a year and a half! Despite many restrictions and challenges, nature has been there for us when we needed it most. Nature was ready to welcome us, enveloping us in its safe bubble where we found recreation, rest, and rejuvenation. Whether you enjoyed the greenery from your balcony or ventured into local parks and the untamed wilderness, join us in celebrating the great outdoors by sharing a photo of how you found solace in nature’s bubble!
– One $500 MEC gift card (based on judging criteria)
– One of two $250 MEC gift cards (randomly selected at end of contest)
– One of two survival kits from BMG Industries, awarded randomly and biweekly
How to Enter
Post your photo in nature’s bubble from the last 12 months on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Photos must be public so we can see them!
In your caption, tell us why nature matters to you, and what’s special about your memory.
Tag and follow CPAWS-BC and the Guide Outfitters Association of BC. Multiple entries are encouraged—up to one entry a day!
CPAWS-BC: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Guide Outfitters Association of BC: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Make sure that your profile is public so that we can see it. Posts must be put in a feed, unfortunately Instagram stories will not be eligible to win.
Don’t have a social media account? No problem! You can also email with subject line “Nature’s Bubble Photo Contest”.
UPDATE: Contest closes on Friday, November 5, 2021. Find the full contest rules here.