Nature’s Classroom at Home

Time indoors with children and teens does not have to limit the many powerful lessons we can learn from nature. When we observe patterns and behaviours in nature, we can find solutions to build a healthier planet.

The following resources and activities compliment BC curriculum core competencies including intellectual, personal, and social and emotional learning. The lessons vary in the level of guidance or independent learning required to fit your unique needs.

Click to expand the learning levels below.

💻Applied Technology 🎨 Creative Arts ✍️ English Language Arts 🗺️ Geography
📐Math 🎵 Music 🧪 Science 🌎Social Studies

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*Additional Support: Open School BC provides resources for parents and caregivers to keep your children learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If these resources helped connect the young people in your life with nature or if they assisted in at-home schooling in your household, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help our team continue to defend nature for all Canadians, and keep us working during these uncertain times.